We generated an access token using this link: https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=123456789000000&client_secret=03252f2ff1eddffe234a0dc7256abb8c
And it gave us a, access token like this: AQRtositr-Km47sometextwohp-7heCCDHmKE
But now when we want to authenticate in our native Facebook App its generates the following AccessToken instead: ABBDSqE43jFSSbrS7ujvyLZClfyKDCZBhAuLXTtr9nwelj4MFwlijzejljEoNItC3lijzm3shemzq3jDFCdAZD
So the question is how can I generate the native Facebook App access token?