I have a dictionary-tree in an "non-standard" form like so:
tree = {'0': {'A': {'B': {'C': {}}}},
{'D': {'E': {}},
{'F': {}}}}
Leaf nodes are defined as dictionary key-value pairs where the values is an empty dictionary. I would like to extract all the leaf-to-root paths as lists of lists like so:
paths_ = [['C', 'B', 'A', '0'],
['E', 'D', '0'],
['F', 'D', '0']]
The paths can be reversed too if that is helpful.
paths_ = [['0', 'A', 'B', 'C'],
['0', 'D', 'E'],
['0', 'D', 'F']]
I know I have to do it recursively and I need an accumulator list for each path. It would also be nice if the function yielded the path-lists. What I have so far is this:
def paths(node, subtree, acc=[]):
if not subtree:
yield [node]+acc
for n, s in subtree.items():
yield paths(n, s, acc)
It doesn't really do what I want:
paths_ = list(paths('0', tree['0']))
Ideally this should return the list-of-lists. Any help will be much appreciated.
? It is not valid as it is. – Sven Marnach