
I have a set of acceleration values along the x, y, z directions (sensor body frame). The sensor tilted and changed orientation many times during operation. Using the gyroscope, magnetometer and accelerometer, I was able to fuse and extract the Roll, Pitch and Yaw angles all in quaternion format ( cal it Q).

Now, to derotate the acceleration values into global X, Y, Z positions. Do I just simply 1. convert the acceleration values into quaternion by setting the scalar part to 0 (call it Acc) 2. Multiply the acceleration quaternion as follows : Qtranspose * Acc * Q??

Or is my conclusion wrong? how do we derotate the values?


Your approach looks right, but the best way to be sure is to test it with simulated values and make sure you get the expected result.Isaac

1 Answers


If you already have an accurate quaternion orientation q, then the 'unrotated' vector of the accelerations is as you said:

Ag = q* A q


Ag = q A q*

depending on which convention you are using for quaternion multiplication. (just try both and see which one give you the right gravity vector).

NOTE that A and Ag are 'pure quaternions' - this is a quaternion with the scalar component as 0, and the axis component as your acceleration vector. In other words if your quaternion is q = [w x y z], then A = [0 ax ay az]. You can then discard the scalar component of Ag to get the unrotated vector. Make sure the order of the acceleration vector is consistent with your quaternion vector order.