I have Teamcity ( 7.3 ) checkout the code for me from SVN. It will put it in some temp path which is good
[12:46:10]: Updating sources
[12:46:10]: [Updating sources] Will perform clean checkout. Reason: Checkout directory is empty or doesn't exist
[12:46:10]: [Updating sources] Cleaning C:\_app\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\a29b6ff3968e4c7a
[12:46:10]: [Updating sources] VCS Root: MyAppBuild
The problem is when I update the version file with the new version ( running build # ) and execute SVN commit on it from my Nant script SVN will throw an error.
[12:46:20]: [NAnt output] [exec] svn: E155036: Please see the 'svn upgrade' command
[12:46:20]: [NAnt output] [exec] svn: E155036: Working copy 'C:\_app\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\a29b6ff3968e4c7a\MyApp' is too old (format 10, created by Subversion 1.6)
Which is unexpected, the only svn on the computer is version 1.7.5 Can anybody explain how Teamcity was able to checkout apparently using 1.6 svn version ? I searched the Teamcity directories for svn.exe without any luck.