I am attempting to validate a date text box to make sure the correct date format was entered.
I converted this vb6 code:
If (IsDate(txtBirthDate)) And (IsNumeric(Right(txtBirthDate, 4))))
into this C# code -
int output = 1;
DateTime output2;
if ((! DateTime.TryParse(txtBirthDate.Text, out output2)) & (!int.TryParse((txtBirthDate.Text.Substring(txtBirthDate.Text.Length - 5)), out output)))
What I am attempting to do is make sure that the last 4 digits of the date text box are numeric (the year - i.e 1990 in 05/10/1990) and if it is not a number, then show error. Although I cannot verify everything is numeric due to the "/" in the date format.
The code does not show an error and builds. But when I debug the application I receive an error. The error states:
Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
Parameter name: length.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?