I have a 3D object with the position(x,y,z). How can I calculate the screen position(x,y) of that object?
I have search for it and one solution is that I have to find out the projection matrix then multiply 3D position point by this matrix to project it onto some 2D viewing surface (computer screen). But I have no idea how to find this matrix in Three.js.
I try a convert function like this but it give incorrect result
function Point3DToScreen2D(point3D){
var screenX = 0;
var screenY = 0;
var inputX = point3D.x - camera.position.x;
var inputY = point3D.y - camera.position.y;
var inputZ = point3D.z - camera.position.z;
var aspectRatio = renderer.domElement.width / renderer.domElement.height;
screenX = inputX / (-inputZ * Math.tan(camera.fov/2));
screenY = (inputY * aspectRatio) / (-inputZ * Math.tan(camera.fov / 2));
screenX = screenX * renderer.domElement.width;
screenY = renderer.domElement.height * (1-screenY);
return {x: screenX, y: screenY};
Thank in advance.