I've spent much too long banging my head against a wall for this one.
Running Azure SDK 1.7 / Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. I can't seem to run a WCF service over named pipes hosted by IIS/WAS. Any attempt to connect to my service in the compute emulator yields
The pipe endpoint 'net.pipe://localhost/services/MyService.svc' could not be found on your local machine
I was going to post my code, but it turns out that the sample code from this article http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tomholl/archive/2011/06/28/hosting-services-with-was-and-iis-on-windows-azure.aspx gives me the exact same error. All the code is available on that site.
As far as I can tell, the powershell tasks are executing successfully. (Well, OK, I had to change the ExecutionPolicy from Unrestricted to RemoteSigned in the startup task, but after that it ran just fine.) The NetPipeActivator service is running, and when I call Get-WebApplication I see net.pipe in the protocol list:
PS C:\> $WebRoleSite = (get-website "*webrole*").Name
PS C:\> Get-WebApplication -Site $WebRoleSite
Name Application pool Protocols Physical Path
---- ---------------- --------- -------------
WcfService1 4a16b147-f9ac-41d9 http,net.pip c:\Code\WasInAzure\WcfService1
-9543-0577da64fb9a e
What else could be going on?