I'm trying to create a plot similar to the ones here:
Basically I want a histogram, where each bin shows how long was spent in that range of cadence (e.g 1 hour in 0-20rpm, 3 hours in 21-40rpm, etc)
library("rjson") # 3rd party library, so: install.packages("rjson")
# Load data from Strava API.
# Ride used for example is http://app.strava.com/rides/13542320
url <- "http://app.strava.com/api/v1/streams/13542320?streams[]=cadence,time"
d <- fromJSON(paste(readLines(url)))
Each value in d$cadence
(rpm) is paired with the same index in d$time
(the number of seconds from the start).
The values are not necessarily uniform (as can be seen if you compare plot(x=d$time, y=d$cadence, type='l')
with plot(d$cadence, type='l')
If I do the simplest possible thing:
..this produces something very close, but the Y value is "frequency" instead of time, and ignores the time between each data point (so the 0rpm segment in particular will be underrepresented)
hist(d$cadence, ylab="Time")
. – David Robinsonhist
. That will solve your difficulty with zero-rpm values not being plotted. – Carl Witthoft