Near the top of my build console I see a "Last Built Revision:" w/ a revision #. How can I access this last built rev # in my build script? I'm using Gradle, but I don't think that matters here. Does Jenkins provide the last built rev # in a system property? Surely this must be trivial to access from my build script...
5 Answers
Turns out, the Git plugin DOES export the last build revision as an environment variable. So instead of using the accepted answer:
curl -sf "$BUILD_URL/api/xml?xpath=//lastBuiltRevision/SHA1/text()"
you can just use this instead:
One failproof way to see exactly what's available to your build script is to choose Add Build Step > Execute Shell
then simply add the following:
view your console (for the build) and you should see lots of great environment variables available to you. The git-related variables that were available to me (using the git plugin) were:
Lastly, to see a less comprehensive list of available environment variables, you can also just go to this url: http://[your-jenkins-domain-and-port]/env-vars.html
I do not think the git plugin exports the last built revision as an environment variable, but the information is easily available using a simple shell command like:
curl -sf "$BUILD_URL/api/xml?xpath=//lastBuiltRevision/SHA1/text()"
BUILD_URL always points to the build's own page and the rest of the information seems to be available using the xml api.