
I am working on live device to server streaming in android. I am able to send data in bytes on server but when I play that file during recording on server VLC say that MOOV atom not found. After a lot of workaround I found that MOOV atom of a mp4 file generates in the end. But I have to play that file on server while recording means live. I go through the source code of SPYDROID and SIPDROID but non of them is working. I tried to add moov atom on serverside using FFMPEG but didn't get any success. Anyone has an idea on how can I achieve this?

Can I use ffmpeg to resolve a problem I am having playing TV series on Plex. The logs indicate:markum
For more clarification i am running my plex and nas servers on raspberry pi 4. I am using 'MacX DVD Ripper Pro' to rip the videos. I moved to the newest version of plex ( which should allow a new scannermarkum

8 Answers


You got a problem. The 'moov' box is a kind of table of contents. If not all content is there you can't have a complete table of contents. Ouch!

If you want to stick with MP4 and if you are writing the file by yourself you could write the file as so called fragmented MP4 file. A fragmented MP4 file contains multiple self-contained small pieces of the video - each with its own table of contents. It would enable you to play the file before the complete recording has finished.

If you don't need to stick with MP4 an option would be to write the raw h264 stream to the server. Then you don't have that kind of table of content. VLC can play raw h264 streams.


There is a tool untrunc which claims to repair unfinished (truncated) mp4, m4v, mov, 3gp video. I haven't tested it myself but it may be worth a try.


It is possible to move the moov atom to the begining of the video file using FFMpeg.

ffmpeg -i input_video_file.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -movflags faststart output_video_file.mp4

Run qt_faststart to move the moov atom to the beginning of the stream.

qt-faststart in.mp4 out.mp4

Use MP4Box to move MOOV atom at begening of file and interleaving to stream in chunk.

MP4Box test.mp4 test.mp4

the mp4 format needs the moov atom information to play the video, and to generate the moov atom the video must be finished, you can't play a mp4 file while it is recording because you still don't have all the information to create the moov atom part.

What you want to do is some kind of real-time-streaming (play while is recroding) so you need to use another format. HLS streaming and mpeg-dash stores the video in tiny chunks (2 seconds to 10 seconds) and send to the users, this way the users plays many finished files one after the other.

as @Sebastian Annies suggested, to create many tiny mp4 files and concatenate is the same approach: to have tiny finished files and play as a list, here you could get more information What exactly is Fragmented mp4(fMP4)? How is it different from normal mp4?


In my case ffmpeg wouldn't even let me recreate the container using:

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -c copy out.mp4

It failed with the same corrupted STCO atom error.

I was able to fix this problem by opening up the video file in avidemux and re-exporting the video without encoding.


Then ffmpeg could read this file without problems.


Add to your gradle this lib: compile 'net.ypresto.qtfaststartjava:qtfaststart:0.1.0' and then

File input = new File(path + "/input.mp4"); // Your input file
File output = new File(path + "/output.mp4"); // Your output file
    if(!output.exists()) // if there is no output file we'll create one
}catch (IOException e){
    Log.e("TAG", e.toString());

    QtFastStart.fastStart(input, output); // Adds moov to your input
                                          // Now your output file is ready to stream!
}catch (QtFastStart.MalformedFileException m){
    Log.e("QT", m.toString());
}catch (QtFastStart.UnsupportedFileException q){
    Log.e("QT", q.toString());
}catch (IOException i){
    Log.e("QT", i.toString());

Here that's all