I'm trying to get the position of my camera in cocos3d, but am having trouble. Here's what my initializeWorld looks like
[self addContentFromPODFile: @"leggo.pod"];
CC3Camera* cam2 = (CC3Camera*) [self getNodeNamed:@"Camera"];
[self addChild:cam2];
//the location and rotation is just for testing
//cam2.location = cc3v(0,57.101,71.694);
//cam2.rotation = cc3v(-38,0,0);
CC3Vector camLoc = cam2.location;
NSLog(@"cam2 position is x=%@ y=%@ z=%@", camLoc.x, camLoc.y, camLoc.z );
Can anyone tell me why the value of camLoc.x, camLoc.y, and camLoc.z are always null? I tried getting the location after a delay, but they are still null. I'm out of ideas. It seemed like I was getting close with this similar issue, but I still can't figure it out. Thanks