This has been extremely frustrating. I installed a module Finder in Drupal installation. I was tweaking some settings in it and then after changing some settings it started showing off some Ajax errors and then there was the White Screen, showing this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function views_include() in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/views/includes/ on line 9
Using Drush, I disabled the Finder module and cleared the cache. But nothing happened. Then I disabled the Views module. The White Screen was now gone.
And now I am stuck. I had some pretty good work done in this site and when I re-enable the Views, White Screen reappears. It seems to me like the Finder module made some irreversible changes somewhere in Views. I mean how come my Views is not working when I've cleared the cache and Finder is disabled?
Has anybody ever come across such a thing in Drupal? How did you solve it?
UPDATE I just found that the developer of the "Finder" module is claiming it to be a bug in Views. See here: As suggested, commenting out that particular line 9 in of Views module does work. However, I'm still skeptical to accept to be a bug in Views.