
Given a multiple input matlab function

out=f(in1, in2) 

I would like to write a second function g which generates the inputs for f, e.g.

[in1, in2]=g(in)

so that I can call something like:


I have tried writing g as a single output function which stores in1 and in2 in a cell array, so that i can feed the output of g to f using the colon operator:


but I was looking for a one-line solution, which seems not possible to achieve this way as I read in:

Is it possible to apply colon operator on an expression in MATLAB?

Is there any other way to do this?

This is not possible in Matlab. The best you could do is to have f take a cell array as input, and g return a cell array as output.Chris Taylor

1 Answers


As discussed recently, this is not possible in Matlab.

However, if you do not want to re-write your function g(x,y) to return a cell array, you can still do everything in two lines:

[in4f{1}, in4f{2}] = g(in);
out = f(in4f{:});

As an aside: Unless you're really hurting for memory, it doesn't make a lot of sense to try and force one-line statements everywhere by avoiding temporary variables. Sure, you can make your code look like CrazyPerl, but in the long run, you'll be glad for the added readability.