
I'm using JQuery Mobile for a simple mobile web application.

I'm using Single Page Anatomy.

When i'm performing $.mobile.changePage("sample.html",{transition : pop});

This seems to load the page without javascript.

Is there any work-around ? or Is there any new API to load external pages with page transitions also with DOM being loaded properly ?

What version of jQuery Mobile are you using? What browser?Inkbug

1 Answers


If you inspect the DOM using firebug you'll see that the page is added to the DOM except that when you navigate away it is removed. If you want the page to stay in the DOM you can load the page first using the loadPage method

$.mobile.loadPage( "sample.html" );

And then navigate as you normally would using either a link or $.mobile.changePage

If you are talking about the javascript files not being loaded then this is intentional and it depends on how the page is loaded) and I don't believe this is new behavior specific to the JQM 1.1.1 release.