I created an Arabic website using PHP 5.3, MySQL 5 and PHPMyAdmin 3.4.
On every page, I use the "utf-8" character set. I include the following line on every page:
The website works fine offline (on local server (localhost)). Even after I edited and inserted new Arabic writings into the database.
The problem is when the website is online. All Arabic fonts are displayed properly, but after I edited or inserted new Arabic writings into the database online, the new writings are displayed as question marks.
My settings (online):
PHPMyAdmin MySQL Connection Collation : utf8_general_ci.
PHPMyAdmin MySQL charset : UTF-8 Unicode (utf8).
The database and tables collation : utf8_general_ci.
In the connection file, I have included mysqli query SET NAMES 'utf8' and SET CHARACTER SET utf8.
I also have tried to change the collation to "cp1256_general_ci", and the pages character set to "windows-1256", but the fonts still show as question marks.
Why the Arabic fonts show as question marks after I inserted/ edited them online? How to fix this?
Thank you in advance