So, I'm looking to develop a plugin for Eclipse 4.2 that monitors edits that a user makes to their files.
This is my first Eclipse plugin, and to prepare, I walked through the Eclipse plugin development cheat sheet (HelloWorld) and spent many hours on looking through the documentation and the API. I think I have some idea of what tools I need, but I'm not sure how to put those tools together to do what I want.
Desired Results: Have a plugin that's kept apprised of every new letter added to a (Java) editor and any and all deletes. This includes things that Eclipse does (auto-completing variables, curly braces) as well as what the user types.
Tools that might help: I'm thinking that a IResourceChangeListener will assist, as it gives me a IResourceChangeEvent, with an accessible IResourceDelta which represents workspace changes. Also, since editors extend EditorPart, I'm thinking that adding a IPropertyChangeListener to the relevant editor may be useful as well.
I think I've got the right tools, but I've got no idea how to go about assembling them to do as I wish.
Are the tools listed above the proper ones for the job?
How can I get a list of all editors opened or that will be opened and add listeners to them?
Any additional tips for resources on learning how to program Eclipse plugins?