I have three textboxes and I get their value like this:
Dim X, Y, W As Double
X = DLookup("Summ", "tblPlatej", "ID= " & Form_frmPlatej!ID)
Y = DLookup("Deposit_before", "tblPlatej", "ID= " & Form_frmPlatej!ID)
W = DLookup("Monthly_payment", "tblPlatej", "ID= " & Form_frmPlatej!ID)
But when I change the value of textbox like this
Form_frmPlatej.Deposit_before = X - W + Y
I get a Type mismatch error. All textboxes are currency. How do I calculate new record and put that number in the "Deposit_before" textbox?
Summ, Deposit_before, Monthly_payment are currency data type in my table. Deposit_before is mostly negative.
Here is my whole code for button click
Private Sub Command13_Click()
a1 = DLookup("Inhabitant", "tblClient", "ID = " & Form_frmMain!ID)
B1 = DLookup("PriceTBO", "tblPrice")
c1 = DLookup("Republican", "tblClient", "ID = " & Form_frmMain!ID)
d1 = DLookup("Regional", "tblClient", "ID = " & Form_frmMain!ID)
e1 = DLookup("Local", "tblClient", "ID = " & Form_frmMain!ID)
A = DLookup("IDP", "tblPlatej", "ID= " & Form_frmPlatej!ID)
B = DLookup("Type_of_payment", "tblPlatej", "ID= " & Form_frmPlatej!ID)
C = DLookup("Year", "tblPlatej", "ID= " & Form_frmPlatej!ID)
D = DLookup("Month", "tblPlatej", "ID= " & Form_frmPlatej!ID)
Y = DLookup("Deposit_before", "tblPlatej", "ID= " & Form_frmPlatej!ID) // Problem here
W = DLookup("Monthly_payment", "tblPlatej", "ID= " & Form_frmPlatej!ID) //Problem here
X = DLookup("Summ", "tblPlatej", "ID= " & Form_frmPlatej!ID)
i = Form_frmPlatej.Month.ListIndex
j = Form_frmPlatej.Year.ListIndex
den = DLookup("Date", "tblPlatej", "IDP = " & Form_frmPlatej!IDP)
If X <> " " Then
With Me.Recordset
If Me.Recordset.BOF = False And Me.Recordset.EOF = False Then
End If
Form_frmPlatej.Deposit_before = X - W + Y //Problem here
Form_frmPlatej.IDP = A + 1
Form_frmPlatej.Type_of_payment = B
If i = 11 Then
Form_frmPlatej.Year = Year.ItemData(j + 1)
i = -1
Form_frmPlatej.Year = Year.ItemData(j)
End If
Form_frmPlatej.Month = Month.ItemData(i + 1)
Form_frmPlatej.Date = DateAdd("m", 1, den)
If c1 <> 0 Then
Form_frmPlatej.Monthly_payment = (a1 * B1) - (c1 * (a1 * B1)) / 100
ElseIf d1 <> 0 Then
Form_frmPlatej.Monthly_payment = (a1 * B1) - (d1 * (a1 * B1)) / 100
ElseIf e1 <> 0 Then
Form_frmPlatej.Monthly_payment = (a1 * B1) - (e1 * (a1 * B1)) / 100
Form_frmPlatej.Monthly_payment = a1 * B1
End If
End With
MsgBox ("Please enter number")
End If
End Sub
I am completely confused.