
I am writing a DLL written in MFC to be used by other application.
project settings:
1. Use MFC in static library
2. preprocessor : AFXDLL
3. MD Build

I have also used AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState()) before calling CWinApp which internally calls InitInstance and DLL main.

This Dialog has tab in it and I am able to see only the first tab all other tab are coming as blank. When I am running the same DLL as exe (with required changes) its working fine.
Also DLL is crashing when i am calling AfxGetApp() ? I suppose major problem is due to DOMODAL(). Can anyone tell what might be the issue of tab control not working?

Update I found out that CRichEditCtrl was the problem. In dialog tab I had this as well when I removed this It worked fine. Can anyone know the reason of this.. I have used AfxInitRichEdit2() before in InitiInstance()

I am new to MFC so let me know if you need any more info


2 Answers


You have to call AfxInitRichEdit() before the rich edit control is used.


Do you call AfxInitRichEdit2 in InitInstance of the EXE?

Try putting it in the DLL's InitInstance too!