
I have a treeview control on *winform applica*tion. Here, what I want to do is: Collapse all other nodes at his level and expend only selected node. For example, suppose the scenario: - All Subject + Computer Science + Mathematics

Root Node is "All Subjects" and two child nodes are 1) Computer Science and 2) Mathematics. These two child nodes have further child nodes.

When I select Computer Science, teh Mathematic node should be collapsed and Computer Science Node should be expanded. How can this be achieved ? Suggestion to accomplish this are welcomed.


3 Answers


EDIT (thanks Hans Passant) Handel AfterSelect or BeforeSelect events, and collapse other sibling nodes. like this:

private void TreeViewAfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewCancelEventArgs e)
    foreach (TreeNode node in e.Node.Parent.Nodes)
        if(node != e.Node)

Check the methods Collapse(), CollapseAll(), Expand(), and ExpandAll() of treeview node.


Read Collapse, CollapseAll and Expand on MSDN.


Building on Ria's solution, we can collapse both sibling and each sibling's child nodes using recursion. The following works for WPF:

    private void CollapseAll(ItemsControl Items, bool Collapse)
        foreach (object obj in Items.Items)
            ItemsControl ChildControl = Items.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(obj) as ItemsControl;
            if (ChildControl != null)
                CollapseAll(ChildControl, Collapse);
            TreeViewItem Item = ChildControl as TreeViewItem;
            if (Item != null) Item.IsExpanded = false;

    private void treeView1_SelectedItemChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<object> e)
        TreeViewItem CurrentItem = (TreeViewItem)treeView1.SelectedItem;
        if (CurrentItem == null) return;
        if (!(CurrentItem.Parent is TreeViewItem)) return;
        TreeViewItem Parent = (TreeViewItem)CurrentItem.Parent;
        if (Parent == null) return;
        foreach (TreeViewItem TreeViewItem in Parent.Items)
            if (TreeViewItem != CurrentItem)
                CollapseAll(TreeViewItem, true);
                TreeViewItem.IsExpanded = false;