I have created an updated version of the Ext.ux.CheckColumn for this, just include this code after the extjs code is included:
Ext.define('Ext.ux.CheckColumn', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.column.Column',
alias: 'widget.checkcolumn',
disableColumn: false,
disableFunction: null,
disabledColumnDataIndex: null,
columnHeaderCheckbox: false,
constructor: function(config) {
var me = this;
var store = config.store;
store.on("datachanged", function(){
store.on("update", function(){
config.text = me.getHeaderCheckboxImage(store, config.dataIndex);
* @event checkchange
* Fires when the checked state of a row changes
* @param {Ext.ux.CheckColumn} this
* @param {Number} rowIndex The row index
* @param {Boolean} checked True if the box is checked
* @event checkchange
* Fires when the checked state of a row changes
* @param {Ext.ux.CheckColumn} this
* @param {Number} rowIndex The row index
* @param {Boolean} checked True if the box is checked
updateColumnHeaderCheckbox: function(column){
var image = column.getHeaderCheckboxImage(column.store, column.dataIndex);
toggleSortState: function(){
var me = this;
var store = me.up('tablepanel').store;
var isAllChecked = me.getStoreIsAllChecked(store, me.dataIndex);
record.set(me.dataIndex, !isAllChecked);
getStoreIsAllChecked: function(store, dataIndex){
var allTrue = true;
allTrue = false;
return allTrue;
getHeaderCheckboxImage: function(store, dataIndex){
var allTrue = this.getStoreIsAllChecked(store, dataIndex);
var cssPrefix = Ext.baseCSSPrefix,
cls = [cssPrefix + 'grid-checkheader'];
if (allTrue) {
cls.push(cssPrefix + 'grid-checkheader-checked');
return '<div class="' + cls.join(' ') + '"> </div>'
* @private
* Process and refire events routed from the GridView's processEvent method.
processEvent: function(type, view, cell, recordIndex, cellIndex, e) {
if (type == 'mousedown' || (type == 'keydown' && (e.getKey() == e.ENTER || e.getKey() == e.SPACE))) {
var record = view.panel.store.getAt(recordIndex),
dataIndex = this.dataIndex,
checked = !record.get(dataIndex),
column = view.panel.columns[cellIndex];
if(!(column.disableColumn || record.get(column.disabledColumnDataIndex) || (column.disableFunction && column.disableFunction(checked, record))))
if(this.fireEvent('beforecheckchange', this, recordIndex, checked, record))
record.set(dataIndex, checked);
this.fireEvent('checkchange', this, recordIndex, checked, record);
// cancel selection.
return false;
} else {
return this.callParent(arguments);
// Note: class names are not placed on the prototype bc renderer scope
// is not in the header.
renderer : function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view){
var disabled = "",
column = view.panel.columns[colIndex];
if(column.disableColumn || column.disabledColumnDataIndex || (column.disableFunction && column.disableFunction(value, record)))
disabled = "-disabled";
var cssPrefix = Ext.baseCSSPrefix,
cls = [cssPrefix + 'grid-checkheader' + disabled];
if (value) {
cls.push(cssPrefix + 'grid-checkheader-checked' + disabled);
return '<div class="' + cls.join(' ') + '"> </div>';
then an example setup of a checkbox column would be like this:
xtype: "checkcolumn",
columnHeaderCheckbox: true,//this setting is necessary for what you want
store: (you need to put the grids store here),
sortable: false,
hideable: false,
menuDisabled: true,
dataIndex: "value_flag",
listeners: {
checkchange: function(column, rowIndex, checked){
//code for whatever on checkchange here
Looks like this: