It would help to know a little bit more about what you're going for, but here's a shot at an answer. Let me know if it helps!
Let's say this is your HTML layout:
<div id="app">
<div id="app_nav">
<a href="#music">Music</a>
<a href="#books">Books</a>
<div id="sub_app"></div>
</div> <!-- /#app_main -->
For our "Music" sub-app, we'll use this template:
<script id="musicApp-template" type="template/html">
<div class="albums"></div>
<div class="artists"><div>
For the album item view:
<script id="album-template" type="template/html">
<img src="<%=albumThumbSrc %>" />
<p><%=albumTitle %></p>
For the artist item view:
<script id="artist-template" type="template/html">
<%=firstName %> <%=lastName %>
For our "Books" sub-app, we'll use this template:
<script id="booksApp-template" type="template/html">
<div class="books"></div>
<div class="authors"></div>
For the book item view:
<script id="book-template" type="template/html">
<img src="<%=bookThumbSrc %>" />
<p><%=bookTitle %></p>
For the artist item view:
<script id="author-template" type="template/html">
<%=firstName %> <%=lastName %>
And to bootstrap the app:
if(!Backbone.history.started) Backbone.history.start();
Now to set up our Marionette views.
In myApp.js
var myApp = new Backbone.Marionnette.Application();
subAppRegion: "#sub_app"
// Your data
myApp.artists = new Backbone.Collection([...]);
myApp.books = new Backbone.Collection([...]);
In myApp.musicApp.js
myApp.module("musicApp", function(musicApp, myApp) {
/* Setup your Views
================== */
var MusicLayout = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({
template: #musicApp-template",
regions: {
albumsRegion: ".albums",
artistsRegion: ".artists"
var AlbumView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: "#album-template"
var AlbumListView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView({
itemView: AlbumView
var ArtistView = ...
var ArtistListView = ...
/* Create router for app navigation
==================================== */
var Router = Backbone.Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
appRoutes: {
"music" : showMusicApp
controller: musicApp
new Router();
/* Method to show the music app
================== */
musicApp.showMusicApp = function() {
// Instantiate Views
var musicLayout = new MusicLayout();
var albumListView = new AlbumListView({ collection: myApp.albums });
var artistListView = new ArtistsListView({ collection: myApp.artists });
// Show musicApp layout in subAppRegion of main app;
// Show albums and artists in musicApp layout;;
You can set up your myApp.booksApp
module much the same way:
myApp.module("booksApp", function(booksApp, myApp) {
var Router = Backbone.Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
appRoutes: {
"books" : showBooksApp
controller: booksApp
new Router();
booksApp.showBooksApp = function() {
I haven't tested all this code, so sorry if there are some kinks, and I'm sure it could be improved.
If you haven't already read David Sulc's tutorial, you should take a look - it will give you a better idea of a full fledged application. But I hope this gives you a basic idea of how you use layouts and regions to show different subApp views.