
Here's an odd one: I just installed ModX Revolution 2.2.4 and all went well, but in the back end its like the css file is missing - it either loads just some of the page, or the whole page with no CSS.

In my browser console it says it cannot find the css file at all. I checked the files and directories - all are intact and all permissions are correct.

I've tried reinstalling and on two different servers both with the same occurrence.

The only thing that came up is that during the installation it couldnt unzip the file core.transport.zip, so I unzipped it on my PC and re-uploaded it.

Would anyone know whats going on at all?


normally you wouldn't need to unpack the transport packages yourself. Did you install into a subdirectory?Yoshi
Actually yoshi, yes I did install it into a sub directoryMeltingDog
I have often had the same problem after moving modx to a subdirectory, though never after a fresh install. You might want to try again without unpacking the transport packages. Also have a look here: rtfm.modx.com/display/revolution20/Troubleshooting+InstallationYoshi
Yeah I have. I get the same error both times...I've also gone back to 2.2.2 with the same results. Very frustrating!MeltingDog

1 Answers


The issue was the zipped files within ModX were not unzipping when I did the install. Either unzip them on your PC, fix or update the PHP on the server, or install an older version (2.1.7 works ok)