
I have a Drupal photography website. Images are important to me and no matter how hard I try, how hard I google, I couldn't get those images to work on Facebook Open Graph sharing.

  1. I am using Drupal 7.14.

  2. Users upload photos by using Plupload plugin.

  3. Over-sized photos are automatically resized by Plupload resize function.

  4. These photos are uploaded into a custom-directory. eg. sites/default/files/products/[user:id]/

  5. The photos are thumbnailed and styled according to Drupal core styling. eg. sites/default/files/styles/large/

  6. These photos are displayed in a overriden node page, which I have customized using Panels.

  7. Drupal modules currently don't support Open Graph tags for Panels, so I created them myself using drupal_add_html_head.

    // OG Image Tag
    $node = node_load(%node:nid);
    $user = $node->uid;
    $filename = $node->field_product_photos['und'][0]['filename'];
    $base_url = "http://www.[my-web-site].com/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/products";
    $image_url = $base_url . "/" . $user . "/" . $filename;

    // Thus $image_url outputs my full image url address. eg. http://www.[my-web-site].com/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/products/1/[IMAGE].JPG

    $element = array (
    '#tag' => 'meta',
    '#attributes' => array(
    'property' => 'og:image',
    'content' => $image_url
    require_once 'includes/common.inc';
    drupal_add_html_head($element, 'og_image');

  8. I use http://ogp.spypixel.com/Pogo/checker/index.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.feelsion.com%2Fproduct%2Fd700 to check my OG tags. og:title, og:image, og:url, og:description works like a charm with no problems.

  9. However Facebook Debugger https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.feelsion.com%2Fproduct%2Fd700 returns only ONE problem.
    That is - Unable to download og:image: The image referenced by the url of og:image tag could not be downloaded.

  10. I can confirm that ogp.spypixel.com/Pogo/checker/ could display my og:image and the image url is healthy.

  11. I am using HTTP, so HTTPS bug for Facebook og:image is irrelevant.

  12. I have ALT-txt for my images.

  13. I have also included <link rel="image_src" href="[IMAGE_LINK]"into <HEAD>.

  14. My image sizes fulfills Facebook's criteria. At least 200px for both dimensions and not more than 3:1 by proportion.

  15. I have declared og:namespace in my page.tpl.php file.

  16. No matter how hard I Google and amend the codes and try new images. Facebook still never display my photos and returns the error as in note #9.

  17. Image such as my website logo can be displayed in Facebook sharing. The only images not displaying is from the custom node page/panel.

  18. I have tried to amend FTP permissions for the images but still failed.

  19. I suspect that Plupload plugin is the culprit that the images it resize cannot be rendered by Facebook OG.

  20. I also suspect that could be a case-sensitivity issues on the file name or on the extensions of the image.

I have worked more than 24 hours on this problem and hopes are fading. I am still hopeful that I can find my enlightenment on the problem here. Please do assist me if you know the solution or you are experiencing the same problem.

Thank you.

Please give actual URL so that the problem can be seen live.CBroe
web-sniffer.net/?url=http://www.feelsion.com/sites/default/…500 Internal Server Error – since this does not happen when requesting the image URL with a “normal” browser, your server obviously reacts differently to “bots” trying to get the image – might be because of user agent, cookies, or for some other reason. Up to you to debug this; start with looking in your server logs.CBroe
Ok, thank you for the tips. At least I have a new clue to solve it.Chin Wei
[Sun Jul 08 02:57:54 2012] [alert] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] /home/feelsion/public_html/sites/default/files/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here, referer: feelsion.com/product/d700 Could this be the root of the problem?Chin Wei

1 Answers


The problem above occurred because of a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error on the image. The image appears well with internet browser but is inaccessible by search engine bots.

I have solved the problem by disabling Option FollowSymLinks in the .htaccess file in /public_html/sites/default/files/ folder.

To disable the option permanently, you have to erase the content of the .htaccess file while retaining the file itself in the folder.

Hope that helps, cheers.