
For my application I have a method in my Messages model which returns all the messages sent by the current user ($id). It returns information from 3 tables using 3 joins. As both the sender and the recipient come from the same 'users' table, I had to alias a these columns.

Method in my Messages model:

public function getSentMessages($id) 
    $messageModel = new self();
    $select = $messageModel->select()
                 ->from(array('m' => 'messages'),
                        array('m.id', 'm.title', 'm.send',
                              's.id AS s_id', 's.firstname AS s_fn', 's.lastname AS s_ln', 's.email AS s_e', 
                              'r.id AS r_id', 'r.firstname AS r_fn', 'r.lastname AS r_ln', 'r.email AS r_e'))
                 ->join(array('s' => 'users'),
                        'm.from = s.id')
                 ->join(array('mu' => 'messages_users'),
                        'm.id = mu.message_id')
                 ->join(array('r' => 'users'),
                        'r.id = mu.user_id')
                 ->where('m.from = ?', $id);

    $messages = $messageModel->fetchAll($select);

    return $messages;

Strange things where happening: the resultrow was made out of all the columns I'd requested... but somehow all the columns (includuding the ones I didn't request) where added after. Like this:

id  title   send    s_id    s_firstname     s_lastname  s_email     r_id    r_firstname     r_lastname  r_email     id  username    password    firstname   lastname    email   role    id  message_id  user_id     status  id  username    password    firstname   lastname    email   role

I found out the SQL query returned by the Zend Framework is not how I expected it to be.. Here it is (cleaned up for better readability):

SELECT m.id, m.title, m.send, 
s.id AS s_id, s.firstname AS s_fn, s.lastname AS s_ln, s.email AS s_e, 
r.id AS r_id, r.firstname AS r_fn, r.lastname AS r_ln, r.email AS r_e, 
s. * , mu. * , r. *
FROM messages AS m
INNER JOIN users AS s ON m.from = s.id
INNER JOIN messages_users AS mu ON m.id = mu.message_id
INNER JOIN users AS r ON r.id = mu.user_id
m.from = '12345'

Check these asterixes (*) at the end of my SELECT statement.. how did these get there? The Zend documentations tells me an asterix is only used when no columns are given..

Thanks for you help!


1 Answers


Join has three parameters:

Add a blank value @ end of each Join clause..

join(array('s' => 'users'),'m.from = s.id','')