I have plotted two curves using plotyy function of MATLAB:
[AX,H1,H2] = plotyy(voltage_span, amplitude,voltage_span, Ca_SR);
The problem is that I cannot change the color and font of the second axis(the right one). The following figure is the the output of my plotyy function.
MATLAB help states that for changing the axes's label, one should use the followings:
set(get(AX(1),'Ylabel'),'String','Slow Decay')
set(get(AX(2),'Ylabel'),'String','Fast Decay')
So, I tried the following commands(which doesn't work):
set(get(AX(2),'YColor'),[1 0 1]); % MATLAB gives ERROR! Invalid handle object.
If one enters get(AX(2)), they can see all the properties of the right axis which seems not to have color property. So I am wondering where is the problem and how to change the color and font size of the right axis(?)