I need to draw a chart in Jasper iReport that can sum the results based on user selection. Let's say I have the fruits table:
id (pk) town bananas orange cherry
1 boston 5 0 11
2 paris 100 18 12
3 bucharest 10 3 9
4 barcelona 9 4 12
From a Jasper web server input control with an ireport parameter associated (java.util.collection) user will select the fruit/fruits.
I need to sum all the fruits selected by the user and plot the chart.
For example, when then user selects both 'bananas' and 'oranges' the result would be
town result
1 boston 5
2 paris 118
3 bucharest 13
4 barcelona 13
The problem is:
I can't do
select sum(bananas,orange) as result from fruits group by town
mysql sum function doesn't work this way, but this is the way jasper input control return the user selection back to report query.
I've tried SELECT (SELECT REPLACE('bananas,orange', ',', '+')) as result from fruits group by town
, but MySQL doesn't recognize the replace statement as column name.
I get this:
town result
1 boston bananas+orange
2 paris bananas+orange
3 bucharest bananas+orange
4 barcelona bananas+orange
also, SELECT sum(SELECT REPLACE('bananas,orange', ',', '+')) as result from fruits group by town
will return 0 as result
Any idea? Maybe this can be done from ireport..?