This bug has been fixed in RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo.
The issue can be found here (but one have to log in with embarcadero account to see it).
Here is correct version of __llmulo by John O'Harrow (licensed under MPL 1.1) shipped with Delphi versions 10.2 and above:
// Param 1(edx:eax), Param 2([esp+8]:[esp+4])
// Result is stored in edx:eax
// O-flag set on exit => result is invalid
// O-flag clear on exit => result is valid
procedure __llmulo();
test edx, edx {Param1-Hi = 0?}
jne @@Large {No, More than one multiply may be needed}
cmp edx, [esp+8] {Param2-Hi = 0?}
jne @@Large {No, More than one multiply may be needed}
mul dword ptr [esp+4] {Only one multiply needed, Set Result}
and eax, eax {Clear Overflow Flag}
ret 8
sub esp, 28 {allocate local storage}
mov [esp], ebx {save used registers}
mov [esp+4], esi
mov [esp+8], edi
mov [esp+12], ebp
mov ebx, [esp+32] {Param2-Lo}
mov ecx, [esp+36] {Param2-Hi}
mov esi, edx
mov edi, ecx
sar esi, 31
sar edi, 31
xor eax, esi
xor edx, esi
sub eax, esi
sbb edx, esi {edx:eax (a1:a0) = abs(Param1)}
xor ebx, edi
xor ecx, edi
sub ebx, edi
sbb ecx, edi {ecx:ebx (b1:b0) = abs(Param2)}
xor esi, edi {Sign Flag, 0 if Params have same sign else -1}
mov [esp+16], eax {a0}
mov [esp+20], edx {a1}
mov [esp+24], ecx {b1}
mul ebx {edx:eax (c1:c0) = a0*b0}
xchg ebx, edx {ebx = c1, edx = b0}
mov edi, eax {abs(Result-Lo) = c0}
xor ecx, ecx {Upper 32 bits of 128 bit result}
xor ebp, ebp {Second 32 bits of 128 bit result}
mov eax, [esp+20] {a1}
mul edx {edx:eax (d1:d0) = a1*b0}
add ebx, eax {c1 + d0}
adc ebp, edx {d1 + carry}
adc ecx, 0 {Possible carry into Upper 32 bits}
mov eax, [esp+16] {a0}
mov edx, [esp+24] {b1}
mul edx {edx:eax (e1:e0) = a0*b1}
add ebx, eax {abs(Result-Hi) = c1 + d0 + e0}
adc ebp, edx {d1 + e1 + carry}
adc ecx, 0 {Possible carry into Upper 32 bits}
mov eax, [esp+20] {a1}
mov edx, [esp+24] {b1}
mul edx {edx:eax (f1:f0) = a1*b1}
add ebp, eax {d1 + e1 + f0 + carry}
adc ecx, edx {f1 + carry}
or ecx, ebp {Overflow if ecx <> 0 or ebp <> 0}
jnz @@Overflow
mov edx, ebx {Set abs(Result-Hi)}
mov eax, edi {Set abs(Result-Lo)}
cmp edx, $80000000
jae @@CheckRange {Possible Overflow if edx>=$80000000}
xor eax, esi {Correct Sign of Result}
xor edx, esi
sub eax, esi
sbb edx, esi
mov ebx, [esp] {restore used registers}
mov esi, [esp+4]
mov edi, [esp+8]
mov ebp, [esp+12]
add esp, 28 {Clears Overflow flag}
ret 8
jne @@Overflow {Overflow if edx>$80000000}
test esi, esi {edx=$80000000, Is Sign Flag=0?}
jnz @@SetSign {No, Result is Ok (-MaxInt64)}
mov ebx, [esp] {restore used registers}
mov esi, [esp+4]
mov edi, [esp+8]
mov ebp, [esp+12]
add esp, 28
mov ecx, $80000000
dec ecx {Set Overflow Flag}
ret 8