I have an application which holds a list of documents. These documents are indexed using Lucene. I can search on keywords of the documents. I loop the TopDocs and get the ID field (of each Lucene doc) which is related to the ID column in my relational database. From all these ID's, I create a list. After building the list of ID's, I make a database query which is executing the following SELECT statement (JPA):
SELECT d From Document WHERE id IN (##list of ID's retrieved from Lucene##)
This list of document is sent to the view (GUI).
But, some documents are private and should not be in the list. Therefore, we have some extra statements in the SELECT query to do some security checks:
SELECT d From Document WHERE id IN (##list of ID's retrieved from Lucene##)
AND rule1 = foo
AND rule2 = bar
But now I'm wondering: I'm using the speed of Lucene to quickly search documents, but I still have to do the SELECT query. So I'm loosing performance on this one :-( ... Does Lucene have some component which does this mapping for you? Or are there any best practices on this issue? How do big projects map the Lucene results to the relation database? Because the view should be rendering the results?
Many thanks!