I am trying to make a makefile which does the following:
- gets source files from the src directory
- puts object files in the obj directory
- puts binary files in the bin directory
- puts release targets in the rel directory
- puts debug targets in the dbg directory
The first problem i'm having is that my target-specific variables don't seem to be working here is the makefile:
# Build Directories
# create the directory for the current target.
dir_guard=@mkdir -p $(@D)
# source files
src = MainTest.cpp
# object files - replace .cpp on source files with .o and add the temp directory prefix
obj = $(addprefix $(obj_dir)/$(cfg_dir)/, $(addsuffix .obj, $(basename $(src))))
release: cfg_dir = rel
release: executable
debug: cfg_dir = dbg
debug: cc_flags += -Yd -ZI
debug: executable
executable: $(bin_dir)/$(cfg_dir)/MainTest.exe
# build TwoDee.exe from all of the object files.
$(bin_dir)/$(cfg_dir)/MainTest.exe : $(obj)
$(cc) -out:$@ $(obj) -link
# build all of the object files in the temp directory from their corresponding cpp files.
$(obj_dir)/$(cfg_dir)/%.obj : $(source_dir)/%.cpp
$(cc) $(cc_flags) -Fo$(obj_dir)/$(cfg_dir) -c $<
When I run make debug I get:
make: *** No rule to make target `obj//MainTest.obj', needed by `bin//MainTest.exe'.
There is also something else wrong because if I remove the debug and release variables and hardcode cfg_dir to rel I then get:
make: *** No rule to make target `obj/rel/MainTest.obj', needed by `bin/rel/MainTest.exe'. Stop.
So my object rule must also be wrong. I am new to make files so if anyone sees other things which are wrong, comments are welcome.