
Excel 2003 Question:
I'd like to have one cell represent a range of cells. So that another formula can use it.

Right now, I have an equation to sum the hours worked on a specific project. It looks for a project name, and then beside it, I have a column with how long i've spent on it. This is the formula =SUMIF(D1:D10,"project1",C1:C10)

If you look at the first picture,
I want B10 to say the range of Duration (B23-B28)
I want C10 to say the range of Project (C23-C28)

Now look at the second picture, with the formula.
Instead of having the range manually, I just want it to look at B10, and C10 so I get the range once. This way, I only have to change the range in one spot instead of how ever many projects I have.

I'm sorry if this is a messy problem. I'm not sure how to ask it, but I will be quickly answering comments if people aren't clear on what I'm trying to accomplish.

enter image description here

enter image description here

So you want it to work by entering "C23:C46" in cell B10 right?Kartik Anand

2 Answers


Making it a bit more clear. You can enter the range (Address) as a text in the cells, and then use INDIRECT to reference them to a range instead of just text.

So enter

"C23:C46" in cell B10 (without quotes)
"D23:D46" in C10      (without quotes)

and use INDIRECT in your formula for SUMIF
Here's a picture for more clarity.

enter image description here


Store in the cell the address as mere text.

When using that range, use INDIRECT(B10).

See Excel DSUM with multiple criteria for a somewhat more complex usage example.