I am trying to understand isolation/locks in SQL Server.
I have following scenario in READ COMMITTED isolation level(Default)
We have a table.
create table Transactions(Tid int,amt int)
with some records
insert into Transactions values(1, 100)
insert into Transactions values(2, -50)
insert into Transactions values(3, 100)
insert into Transactions values(4, -100)
insert into Transactions values(5, 200)
Now from msdn i understood
When a select is fired shared lock is taken so no other transaction can modify data(avoiding dirty read).. Documentation also talks about row level, page level, table level lock. I thought of following scenarion
Begin Transaction
select * from Transactions
some buisness logic which takes 5 minutes
What I want to understand is for what duration of time shared lock would be acquired and which (row, page, table).
Will lock will be acquire only when statement select * from Transactions
is run or would it be acquire for whole 5+ minutes till we reach COMMIT.