
I do have Win7 64 bit. Sequence of my action is below

  1. I have installed python 2.7.3. system path is clear.
  2. Then i did install virtualenv and pip
  3. Next is sequence of mine command

    • cd c:\Users\developer\
    • mkdir .virtualenv
    • cd .virtualenv
    • virtualenv --distribute --no-site-packages djangos
    • cd djangos
    • cd script
    • activate.bat
    • pip install django

now i include into system path env a directory


here is the problem. if type in console

cd c:\Project

django-admin.py startproject helloworld

then i am getting

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\developer\.virtualenv\djangos\Scripts\django-admin.py", line 2, in     <module>
    from django.core import management
ImportError: No module named django.core

but if i do run
and the inside interpreter

>>import django
>>(1, 4, 0, 'final', 0)
>>from django import core
>>from django.core import managment

I dont receive any error

only way to create project it is to run
(djangos) c:\Projects>python c:\Users\developer.virtualenv\djangos\Scripts\django-admin.py startproject hello

if there is a way to avoid every time to type full path in cli?

activete.bat ? shouldn't it be activate.batPierre Lacave

3 Answers


Instead of

django-admin.py startproject helloworld


python django-admin.py startproject helloworld

It worked for me.


The problem is that Windows make automatic files associations for .py files to a specific python.exe executable. Even if you activate a virtualenv, errors will be raised when trying to execute the command:


The reason is that the python.exe used to execute the script is still the one associated with .py files by Windows. In my case, the default Windows association is C:\Python27\python.exe. This is despite having configured and activated the virtualenv to point to C:\Users\developer.virtenv\django\scripts\python.exe.

To correctly execute djano-admin.py, either use a full path like:

C:\users\developer\.virtenv\django\scripts\python.exe django-admin.py

Or, delete the default Windows association to .py files. That way, when virtualenv is activated, it will amend the %PATH% variable to point to the python.exe in the virtual environment.


(Note: This problem doesn't generally occur on Linux machines. It's particular to the way Windows works.)


It seems to me your activation of the virtualenv failed. Thus Django was installed in site-packages which you specifically excluded. Try to create a virtualenv without --no-site-packages to test if this is the case.

You can always create an alias or symlink to shortcut commands, try google