
I am using visual studio 2008 in my MFC + vtk project. There I am getting a linking error as below:

vtkPBFEAView.obj : warning LNK4217: locally defined symbol ?DrawDC@vtkMFCWindow@@QAEXPAVCDC@@@Z (public: void __thiscall vtkMFCWindow::DrawDC(class CDC *)) imported in function "protected: virtual void __thiscall CvtkPBFEAView::OnDraw(class CDC *)" (?OnDraw@CvtkPBFEAView@@MAEXPAVCDC@@@Z)

1>vtkMDIView.obj : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol ?DrawDC@vtkMFCWindow@@QAEXPAVCDC@@@Z (public: void __thiscall vtkMFCWindow::DrawDC(class CDC *)) imported 1>vtkPBFEAView.obj : warning LNK4217: locally defined symbol ??0vtkMFCWindow@@QAE@PAVCWnd@@@Z (public: __thiscall vtkMFCWindow::vtkMFCWindow(class CWnd *)) imported in function "public: void __thiscall vtkPBFEAViewImpl::initialize(class CWnd *)" (?initialize@vtkPBFEAViewImpl@@QAEXPAVCWnd@@@Z)

1>vtkMDIView.obj : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol ??0vtkMFCWindow@@QAE@PAVCWnd@@@Z (public: __thiscall vtkMFCWindow::vtkMFCWindow(class CWnd *)) imported 1>vtkPBFEAView.obj : warning LNK4217: locally defined symbol ??1vtkMFCWindow@@UAE@XZ (public: virtual __thiscall vtkMFCWindow::~vtkMFCWindow(void)) imported in function "public: virtual void * __thiscall vtkMFCWindow::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)" (??_GvtkMFCWindow@@UAEPAXI@Z)

1>vtkMDIView.obj : warning LNK4217: locally defined symbol ??1vtkMFCWindow@@UAE@XZ (public: virtual __thiscall vtkMFCWindow::~vtkMFCWindow(void)) imported in function "public: void __thiscall vtkMDIViewImpl::adjust_contours(int,double,double)" (?adjust_contours@vtkMDIViewImpl@@QAEXHNN@Z)

1>vtkMFCWindow.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "_declspec(dllimport) const vtkMFCWindow::`vftable'" (_imp_??_7vtkMFCWindow@@6B@) referenced in function "public: __thiscall vtkMFCWindow::vtkMFCWindow(class CWnd *)" (??0vtkMFCWindow@@QAE@PAVCWnd@@@Z)

Can anyone explain me the reason for this error?

Thanks in advance.

There's a similar question asked here, see if it helps you.sashoalm
Thanks for the link @satuon. I am building vtk with dll files now but it has udes static libs earlier. May be this is the problem, so I am trying to build vtk with static libs, which I found dificult to build earlier. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks again.gishara
In the link I gave the solution was to build with shared libraries instead of static libs (they turn on BUILD_SHARED_LIBS). Did you do that?sashoalm
Yes.I am using SHARED_LIBS option and I am linking all the libraries.gishara
So, are you building with shared libraries now, or with static libraries? I'm asking because you said earlier "so I am trying to build vtk with static libs".sashoalm

2 Answers


Finally I found the answer for the problem. It was that vtkMFCWindow was configured with /MD option and my main project was configured with /MTd option. And therefore I got the error. Once I removed the __declspec( dllexport ) lines and it worked well. Thanks for the help.


For anyone else that might find this solution and be upset that their DLL Function is no longer exported to be used by the client app:

MSVC's DLL template provides the following bit of boilerplate:

  #define DLLNAME_API __declspec(dllexport)
  #define DLLNAME_API __declspec(dllimport)

If you forget to define the DLLNAME_EXPORTS in the project settings, you'll get this message. This can happen if you rename these #defines