Question is very simple:
I cannot install RVM (single-user installation), as if I follow the instructions on the RVM website, that is:
$ curl -L | bash -s stable
I get a permission denied error at line 360 of the installation script file (the line that starts with echo):
# Perform the actual installation, first we obtain the source using whichever
# means was specified, if any. Defaults to head.
case "${version}" in
echo "${branch}" > "$rvm_path/RELEASE"
install_head ${branch:-master} || exit $?
Here is the error message:
olivier@~$ curl -L | bash -s stable
bash: line 360: /usr/local/rvm/RELEASE: Permission denied
If I add "sudo" before "bash" in the command above, it works fine, but it is then the multi-user install ...
dir exists and you don't have write access to it. Delete it and retry. – Sergio Tulentsev