I'm using HTML5 AppCache to create an Android web app which can function offline. HTML which sources additional images, stylesheets, javascript and iframes is loaded into a WebView with loadDataWithBaseURL(). Unfortunately, when the device is offline only the HTML sourced in iframes is loaded from AppCache.
At this point, I know:
- This content does exist in the AppCache, since I dumped the content of the AppCache.db file with adb shell and found all the content in there.
- It's probably not a domain problem, since I'm specifying the correct path in the baseUrl field of loadDataWithBaseURL(). Also, a workaround to this problem succeeds without domain errors, as discussed below.
Here's some demo code:
public class ExampleActivity extends Activity {
// HTML to be inserted into the Webview with loadDataWithBaseURL()
public static final String ALL_HTML =
"<!DOCTYPE HTML><html>" +
"<head><script src='sourced_js.js' " +
"onload='console.log(\"sourced_js.js onload\");'>" +
"</script>" +
"<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' />" + // doesn't load offline
"</head><body>" +
"<iframe src='manifest.html'></iframe>" + // loads
"<img src='android.jpg' />" + // doesn't load
"<img src='android.gif' />" + // doesn't load
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
WebView webView = new WebView(context);
WebSettings settings = webView.getSettings();
ALL_HTML, "text/html", "utf-8", null);
is just responsible for referencing the manifest. It looks like:
<html manifest="manifest.appcache">
looks like:
# Explicitly cached resources
# manifest.html automatically cached
When online, all content loads. When offline, only the iframe with manifest.html
loads. The images, stylesheet and javascript are not loaded.
Strangely enough, if I source the exact same static content (sourced_js.js
, android.jpg
, ...) in manifest.html
, they all load from AppCache in the iframe properly when the device is offline! As if these other resources have to be sourced secondarily from a static page.
Any clue why this content won't be loaded from the AppCache?