I have an XPage which has just broken due to (what should have been) a small change.
If I run (where document1 is NotesXSPDocument datasource) :
document1.replaceItem("ItemName", false); //or true, or any variable/formula that results in a boolean
followed by:
I end up with an error
[TypeError] Exception occurred calling method NotesXspDocument.getDocument(boolean) null
This is on a new document (so not saved yet, which I've not tested, but might make a difference), hence I can't just set the field on the underlying doc.
It doesn't seem to be an artifact of anything else in the page, as a basic test page confirms it. It doesn't happen with anything (I've found) other than a boolean.
Any advice, other than just change the data type? I guess that's what I'll end up doing (along with a bug report) but I'd like to know I'm not missing something first.
------------Test XSP code------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core"><xp:this.data>
<xp:dominoDocument var="document1" formName="Test" />
</xp:this.data><xp:span style="font-weight:bold">
Button 1 code:</xp:span><xp:br></xp:br>document1.replaceItemValue("Test",false);
<xp:br></xp:br>var doc:NotesDocument = document1.getDocument(true);
<xp:button value="Test 1" id="button1">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
var doc:NotesDocument = document1.getDocument(true);
<xp:br></xp:br><xp:span style="font-weight:bold">
Button</xp:span><xp:span style="font-weight:bold"> 2</xp:span><xp:span style="font-weight:bold"> Code:</xp:span><xp:span style="font-weight:bold"></xp:span> <xp:br></xp:br>document1.replaceItemValue("Test","Test);<xp:br></xp:br>var doc:NotesDocument = document1.getDocument(true);
<xp:br></xp:br>print(doc.toString());<xp:br></xp:br><xp:button value="Test 2" id="button2">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"
var doc:NotesDocument = document1.getDocument(true);