I have question about how postgresql use indexes. I have problems with Gist Index Expression based on Geography Type Column in Postgresql with Postgis enabled database.
I have the following table:
id serial NOT NULL,
name character varying(40) NOT NULL,
location geography(Point,4326),
Then I created Gist Index Expression based on column "location"
CREATE INDEX place_buffer_5000m ON place
USING GIST (ST_BUFFER(location, 5000));
Now suppose that in table route I have column shape with Linestring object and I want to check which 5000m polygons (around the location) the line crosses.
The query below in my opinion shoud use the "place_buffer_5000m" index but does not use it.
SELECT place.name
FROM place, route
route.id=1 AND
ST_CROSSES(route.shape::geometry, ST_BUFFER(place.location, 5000)::geometry))
Table place have about 76000 rows. Analyze and Vacuum was run on this table with recreating "place_buffer_5000m" index but the index is not used during the above query.
What is funny when I create another column in table place named "area_5000m" (geograpthy type) and update the table like:
UPDATE place SET area_5000m=ST_BUFFER(location, 5000)
And then create gist index for this column like this:
CREATE INDEX place_area_5000m ON place USING GIST (area_5000m)
Then using the query:
SELECT place.name
FROM place, route
route.id=1 AND
ST_CROSSES(route.shape::geometry, place.area_5000m::geometry))
The index "place_area_5000m" is used. The question is why the Index expression that is calculated based on location column is not used?