I have read "Nonblocking Assignments in Verilog Synthesis, Coding Styles that Kill!" by Clifford Cummings. He says that the following code (page 12, simplified) is a correct implementation of a flip-flop often used in textbooks, even if not exactly the kind that anyone should use. The document won a best paper award, so I assume the claim is true.
module ff (q, d, clk)
output q;
input d, clk;
reg q;
always @(posedge clk)
q = d;
I would like to know why this would continue to work correctly if two or more of these flip-flops were connected in series. Say
module two_ffs (q, d, clk)
input d, clk;
output q;
wire tmp;
ff firstff (tmp, d, clk);
ff secondff (q, tmp, clk);
The way I see it, it's possible that the value of tmp is updated before it is used by secondff, thus resulting in one flip-flop rather than two. Can someone please tell me what part of the standard says that cannot happen? Many thanks.
[not that I would ever contemplate writing code like that, I just want to understand the blocking/nonblocking behavior even in cases when poor coding style makes the meaning non-obvious]
Added later:
I now think the paper is unlikely to be correct. Section 5 "Scheduling Semantics" of the 1364-2201 Verilog standard explains what happens. In particular, section 5.6.6 "Port connections" on page 68 says that unidirectional ports are just like continuous assignments. In turn, a continuous assignment is just an always block sensitive to everything. So the bottom line is that that the two instantiations of an ff in my example below are equivalent to a module with multiple always clauses, which everyone would agree is broken.
Added after Clive Cummings answered the question:
I am grateful to CC for pointing out that that the statements above taken out of section 5 of the standard only refer to the timing of update events, and do not imply literal equivalence between e.g. some continuous assignments and always blocks. Nevertheless, I think they explain why some simulators (e.g. Icarus Verilog) will produce different simulation results with a blocking and a non-blocking assignment in the "flip-flop". [On a larger example, I got 2 apparent ffs with a blocking assignment, and the correct five with a non-blocking one.] Other simulators (e.g. Modelsim with default options or Cver) seem to produce the same result no matter which form of assignment is used.