I am trying to read the fill background colour of cells in Excel using ClosedXml. I am working from this sample code and have been able to read the content of a Excel document without issues, but am not able to read the Fill BackgroundColor for the cell as a hexadecimal value. I am able to see the ThemeColor and ThemeTint properties defined under BackgroundColor but have not found a way to convert these into either System.Color or a hex value. Here is my code:
// Get all categories
while (!categoryRow.Cell(coCategoryId).IsEmpty())
IXLCell categoryName = categoryRow.Cell(coCategoryName);
categories.Add(categoryName.GetString() + " " + XLColor.FromTheme(categoryName.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.ThemeColor, categoryName.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.ThemeTint).Color.ToHex());
categoryRow = categoryRow.RowBelow();
It seems that the method XLColor.FromTheme always throws the exception "Cannot convert theme color to Color". Does anyone know another way to get the System.Color from the ThemeColor and ThemeTint values?
I failed to mention that I have already tried using the Color property of BackgroundColor, unfortunately this is not correctly filled and if you view it in the debugger then you will see that this property is throwing the same exception that I get with the method XLColor.FromTheme. So this definitely looks like a bug in ClosedXml. Does anyone know a workaround?