
I am pulling two random numbers to create a math equation in a symfony form. The problem is when the form is submitted, the random numbers are updated, making the form submission invalid. How can I keep the initial number values loaded, so the form will process, but after successful process, load a new set?


 public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
    $num1 = rand(0 , 20);
    $num2 = rand(0 , 20);
    $realAnswer = $num1 + $num2;

    $show = $num1 . " + " . $num2 . " = ";

    $this->getResponse()->setSlot("displayNum", $show);

    $this->form = new UserForm();

    echo $num1 . "<br>" . $num2 . "<br>" . $realAnswer;

    if ($request->isMethod('post') && ($request->getPostParameter('captcha[answer]') == $realAnswer))
        $this->processForm($request, $this->form);  

I am using a partial to render the form -> _form.php

<tr height="40">
        <td width="100" valign="middle">
            <?php echo get_slot("displayNum", "default value if slot doesn't exist"); ?>
        <td width="400" colspan="4" valign="middle">
        <input type="text" id="captcha" class="url" name="captcha[answer]" style="width:100px" />

Example: When the page initially loads, two random numbers are generated (ex. 10 & 15). This renders 10 + 15 = (input field)

The user inserts 25 and clicks save. This was correct, but because the form executes the index action again, there is a new set of random numbers making the "if" condition false.


Per j0k's suggestion I have made the changes to the action.

public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
      $user = $this->getUser();

    if (!$request->isMethod('post'))
      // first display of the form, generate nums
      $num1       = rand(0 , 20);
      $num2       = rand(0 , 20);
      $realAnswer = $num1 + $num2;

      // store them in session
      $user->setAttribute('realAnswer', $realAnswer);
      $user->setAttribute('num1', $num1);
      $user->setAttribute('num2', $num2);
      // the form is submitted, retrieve nums from the session
      $num1       = $user->getAttribute('realAnswer', null);
      $num2       = $user->getAttribute('num1', null);
      $realAnswer = $user->getAttribute('num2', null);

    //setup slot
     $show = $num1 . " + " . $num2 . " = ";
     echo $realAnswer . "-Actual<br>" . $request->getPostParameter('captcha[answer]') . "-User submitted";

    $this->form = new UserForm();

    if ($request->isMethod('post') && (($request->getPostParameter('captcha[answer]') == $realAnswer)))
        $this->processForm($request, $this->form);  

which should work. Looking at the variables, it looks like the page is pulling the session variable and not adding new random numbers on the second post. weird.


It was a code error. I had the variables crossed up.

    // the form is submitted, retrieve nums from the session
     $num1       = $user->getAttribute('num1', null);
     $num2       = $user->getAttribute('num2', null);
     $realAnswer = $user->getAttribute('realAnswer', null);
What the slot tempAnswer does?j0k
That shows me what the total is in the tmeplate. It was a test, just to make sure the slot was passing the variable successfully. I will remove it.Carey Estes

2 Answers


Session is a good point.

If the form isn't posted, store the result in the session to be able to check it after.

public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
  $user = $this->getUser();

  if (! $request->isMethod('post'))
    // first display of the form, generate nums
    $num1       = rand(0 , 20);
    $num2       = rand(0 , 20);
    $realAnswer = $num1 + $num2;

    // store them in session
    $user->setAttribute('realAnswer', $realAnswer, 'captcha');
    $user->setAttribute('num1', $num1, 'captcha');
    $user->setAttribute('num2', $num2, 'captcha');
    // the form is submitted, retrieve nums from the session
    $num1       = $user->getAttribute('num1', null, 'captcha');
    $num2       = $user->getAttribute('num2', null, 'captcha');
    $realAnswer = $user->getAttribute('realAnswer', null, 'captcha');

  $show = $num1 . " + " . $num2 . " = ";

  $this->getResponse()->setSlot("displayNum", $show);

  $this->form = new UserForm();

  if ($request->isMethod('post') && ($request->getPostParameter('captcha[answer]') == $realAnswer))
    $this->processForm($request, $this->form);

And don't forget to empty the related values in session if the form is valid.

protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, $form)
  // bind form

  if ($form->isValid())
    // clear the session

Ps: if you are looking for a transparent captcha, I recommend you this method. I've tested it with really great success.


You could store the random numbers as session variables which will persist after reload:

$_SESSION["num1"] = rand(0 , 20);
$_SESSION["num2"] = rand(0 , 20);