
I am implementing the bundling and minification support in MVC4 and setting it up so it can compile my Bootstrap .less files automatically for me. I have the following code in my BundleConfig.cs file

public class BundleConfig
    public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
        // base bundles that come with MVC 4

        var bootstrapBundle = new Bundle("~/bundles/bootstrap").Include("~/Content/less/bootstrap.less");
        bootstrapBundle.Transforms.Add(new TwitterBootstrapLessTransform());
        bootstrapBundle.Transforms.Add(new CssMinify());

The TwitterBootsrapLessTransform is as follows (it is more complicated than I would like because of the need to import the sub .less files into dotLess)

public class TwitterBootstrapLessTransform : IBundleTransform
    public static string BundlePath { get; private set; }

    public void Process(BundleContext context, BundleResponse response)

        var config = new DotlessConfiguration(DotlessConfiguration.GetDefault());
        config.LessSource = typeof(TwitterBootstrapLessMinifyBundleFileReader);

        response.Content = Less.Parse(response.Content, config);
        response.ContentType = "text/css";

    private void setBasePath(BundleContext context)
        BundlePath = context.HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Content/less" + "/imports" + "/");

public class TwitterBootstrapLessMinifyBundleFileReader : IFileReader
    public IPathResolver PathResolver { get; set; }
    private string basePath;

    public TwitterBootstrapLessMinifyBundleFileReader(): this(new RelativePathResolver())

    public TwitterBootstrapLessMinifyBundleFileReader(IPathResolver pathResolver)
        PathResolver = pathResolver;
        basePath = TwitterBootstrapLessTransform.BundlePath;

    public bool DoesFileExist(string fileName)
        fileName = PathResolver.GetFullPath(basePath + fileName);

        return File.Exists(fileName);

    public byte[] GetBinaryFileContents(string fileName)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public string GetFileContents(string fileName)
        fileName = PathResolver.GetFullPath(basePath + fileName);

        return File.ReadAllText(fileName);

On my base _Layout.cshtml page I attempted to render the css files by doing this


as is suggested by the mvc tutorial but the file the client browser ends up requesting is


which causes an error. If I put the following link into by base layout page it works as expected.

<link href="~/bundles/bootstrap" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Why isn't @Styles.Render() behaving in the same way in debug mode? It works in release mode. I can understand how you don't want it bundling and minifying in debug but how can I force this bundle to work the same way always?

I found this code snippet very useful. You should consider making a blog post about how you got Twitter Bootstrap and Dotless working together.Rebecca
Thanks, maybe when I get some more time for myself I'll start blogging.PlTaylor
@PITaylor Out of interest are you seeing the following types of errors in the css output: Minification failed. Returning unminified contents. (1381,2): run-time error CSS1019: Unexpected token, found '{'...Rebecca
I had a problem with the kendo min css file. The greasemonkey minifier seems to be kinda sensitive.PlTaylor

3 Answers


So basically when debug="true", the Script/Style Render methods assume that Optimizations are off, meaning no bundling and no minification, which means it will not call into your transform; instead, it will just render out links to the raw contents of the bundle (Which is boostrap.less in your case).

You can override this behavior and always run optimization by setting BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true. This will force the render methods to always do bundling/minification.


What I ended up doing was putting a debug if statement in my _Layout.cshtml so the bundle would render no matter what. I'm not crazy about it as a solution but it is working for now.

@if (Context.IsDebuggingEnabled)
    <link href="~/bundles/bootstrap" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

I get around this by letting dotless serve the .less file

in web.config:

    <add name="dotless" path="*.less" verb="GET" type="dotless.Core.LessCssHttpHandler,dotless.Core" resourceType="File" preCondition="" />