Introduction: This question is about packet sniffing/sending using SharpPcap.
- Well actually the main ideea is:
There is a client application which communicates with a server side. I have made a sniffer which logs all the (specified by my filter) packets. Now I just want to RE-Send those packets back to the server side.. not from the client side...but through my own application. Kind of simulating an action ( lets say a button click 100x faster)
The questions are :
1. What kind of packets should I send:
- Raw packets?
- SharpPcap interpreted packets?
eg:var rawPacket = Packet.ParsePacket(packet.Packet.LinkLayerType, packet.Packet.Data);
var ipPacket = IpPacket.GetEncapsulated(rawPacket);
- The payLoadData only?If yes.. whose payloadData?From the raw or from the ipPacket?
2. Could somebody provide a really good and working piece of code.
3. How to distinguish if it is an incoming or outgoing packet??
Thank u for collaboration!