In VBScript, how do I manage "Scripting.FileSystemObjects" like objFSO and objFolder for multiple folders/files ?
In the "Main" code section, I declare an instance (global) of "Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Then, I perform some operations, like:
If objFSO.FileExists(strOutputFilename) Then
WScript.Echo "Deleting File: " & strOutputFilename
objFSO.DeleteFile strOutputFilename
End If
Then, in a loop, I get a folder, and pass it to a function:
For gintLoop = 0 to (ubound(arraySearchPath))
wscript.echo "Processing folder:" & arraySearchPath(gintLoop)
Set objFolderX = objFSO.GetFolder(arraySearchPath(gintLoop))
Call DoWork (objFolderX, arrayParam1, arrayParam2)
So far everything is clear...
Now, within the function, I do things like:
a) collect filenames from objFolder
Set lobjFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(objFolderX.Path)
Set lcolFiles = lobjFolder.Files
b) check for existance of files in other (unrelated) paths
c) get the size of various files:
lcurInputFileSize = CCur(lobjFile.Size)
d) delete various files
e) open files for reading
For Each lobjFile in lcolFiles
lstrTargetFile = lobjFolder.Path & "\" & lobjFile.Name
Set lobjInputFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(lstrTargetFile, ForReading)
f) open files for writing
Set lobjOutputFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOutputFilename, ForAppending, True)
g) call other subs/functions passing various object
h) recursively call the (same) function to process other folders
For Each lobjSubfolderY in objFolderX.SubFolders
Call DoWork (lobjSubfolderY, arrayParam1, arrayParam2)
My concern is that I need to make sure the various uses of FileSystemObjects like folder paths, open files, etc, are not "Stepped-on" by later uses of FileSystemObjects.
Question 1: Do I need (or is it advised) to have a seperate instance of "Scripting.FileSystemObject" (objFSO) for "Main" and each (or some) sub/function ?
Question 2: Similarly, how do I manage the various other objects to avoid loosing data ?