
OS: windows XP.

I already have a working Tomcat 7.0.25 installation and the folder "manager" is in the webapps folder.

I have read the documentation here: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/manager-howto.html and is talking about already installed manager.

I have already set the manager-gui role to the user.

The problem is that if I access the manager using http://localhost/manager, I only get a white page (no content), if I try https://localhost/manager, I get a 404 error.

Any clue?

A link to download the manager application would also be useful.

update: I have removed the manager.xml file and now I do not get a 404 error anymore: I get a white page ragardless the fact that I connect with http or with https... with the manager.xml file, though, the Catalina.log contained a warning about docbase setting ignored.Pierpaolo
why in the official documentation the codebase is written in the format /usr/local/kinetic/tomcat7/server/webapps/manager? is that for *nix users? what about our poor windows users?Pierpaolo

3 Answers


If you want access to the GUI, then you'll have to use the URL http://localhost:8080/manager/html/. There is nothing configured to respond to requests to / which is why you are seeing a blank screen. The URL required to use the Manager's GUI is clearly documented in the Manager's documentation on the Tomcat website.


You can install the manager or the host-manager without reinstalling tomcat by simply copying the directories of the applications from the installation package to the webapps directory and settings the correct permisions.

chown -R tomcat:tomcat apache-tomcat-xx-yy/webapps/*
cp -r apache-tomcat-xx-yy/webapps/* $APACHE_HOME/webapps/

Even if the questions is quite old and probably @Pierpaolo problem was different, I think it's usefull to share this info since it is a possible solution to the specific question of this thread.


Are you sure you have only one tomcat on your PC and that its port is 80 ?

By default the port is 8080 so the URL is http://localhost:8080/manager.

If you're sure tomcat is configured for the 80 port, check its log : You probably have another process (for example Apache httpd) listening on the 80 port and preventing its launch.