I'm writing a simple query parser implemented with ANTLR, and I'd like to retrieve a tree representation of the query. For this, I'm using options { output = AST }
. Then I parse the query and get the tree (the code is python):
lexer = MyQueryLexer(char_stream)
tokens = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
parser = MyQueryParser(tokens)
q = parser.query() # query is my root rule
# do something with q.tree
Now, the tree I get from my parser does not include any rule names, just tokens in a flat list. I can use rewrite rules and ^
get them into a tree structure, however they are still just tokens. For example, a part of one of the queries might be color = 1
. That matches the following rule (simplified):
: propertyname '=' value
That would be turned into:
# token type, text
5 color
20 =
8 1
With '='^
I can turn it into:
20 =
5 color
8 1
But I'd like that fragment to remember that it was matched as a "propcondition". The closest thing I could find was introducting fake tokens with rewrite rules:
: propertyname '=' value -> ^(PROPCONDITION propertyname '=' value)
// ...
which then gives:
5 color
20 =
8 1
Is this the way to go? I have a feeling I'm missing some basic function here.