
I want to create an item to sitecore using code behind.

I found this piece of code and it works perfectly fine.

public void CreateItem(String itmName)
    //Again we need to handle security
    //In this example we just disable it
    using (new SecurityDisabler())
        //First get the parent item from the master database
        Database masterDb = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
        Item parentItem = masterDb.Items["/sitecore/content/SOHO/Settings/Metadata/Project"];

        //Now we need to get the template from which the item is created
        TemplateItem template = masterDb.GetTemplate("SOHO/Misc/Project");
        //Now we can add the new item as a child to the parent
        parentItem.Add(itmName, template);

        //We can now manipulate the fields and publish as in the previous example

But I want to fill in the fields also. like..


For that I found out how to edit an item

public void AlterItem()
  //Use a security disabler to allow changes
  using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())
    //You want to alter the item in the master database, so get the item from there
    Database db = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
    Item item = db.Items["/sitecore/content/home"];

    //Begin editing
      //perform the editing
      item.Fields["Title"].Value = "This value will be stored";
      //Close the editing state

But I have no idea how to combine those 2 things.

I think of 2 methods.

Method 1

Grab the ID of the Item that I created.

I can grab the Name but Name might be duplicated.

Method 2

Fill in the fields before creating the Item

But then.. again I have no idea how to do those 2 methods.

I would be appreciated if I can get some tips.

Thanks in advance.

Probably worth mentioning that good practice is generally to use Item IDs rather than paths. That way your code is not dependent on your IA in the content tree. I think generally performance is also better using native IDsgeedubb

2 Answers


Method item.Add() returns the created item so your code should look like this:

    Item newItem = parent.Add(itemName, template);
    newItem.Fields["fieldName"].Value = "fieldValue";

Here is the complete code which you can use to Create items programmatically based on template in sitecore.

using Sitecore.Data.Items;    
// The SecurityDisabler is required which will overrides the current security model, allowing the code
// to access the item without any security. 
using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())
  // Get the master database
  Sitecore.Data.Database master = Sitecore.Data.Database.GetDatabase("master");
  // Get the template for which you need to create item
  Items.TemplateItem template = master.GetItem("/sitecore/templates/Sample/Sample Item");
  // Get the place in the site tree where the new item must be inserted
  Item parentItem = master.GetItem("/sitecore/content/home");
  // Add the item to the site tree
  Item newItem = parentItem.Add("NameOfNewItem", template);
  // Set the new item in editing mode
  // Fields can only be updated when in editing mode
  // (It's like the begin transaction on a database)
    // Assign values to the fields of the new item
    newItem.Fields["Title"].Value = "NewValue1";
    newItem.Fields["Text"].Value = "NewValue2";
    // End editing will write the new values back to the Sitecore
    // database (It's like commit transaction of a database)
  catch (System.Exception ex)
    // Log the message on any failure to sitecore log
    Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error("Could not update item " + newItem.Paths.FullPath + ": " + ex.Message, this);
    // Cancel the edit (not really needed, as Sitecore automatically aborts
    // the transaction on exceptions, but it wont hurt your code)