
I have an NServiceBus 3.0 endpoint set up to use FluentNHibernate as my ORM and when I start the endpoint, I receive the awesome "No endpoint configuration found in scanned assemblies. This usually happens when NServiceBus fails to load your assembly containing IConfigureThisEndpoint" error message.

I tried just using a hibernate xml class map, and that worked fine. Also, I have an endpoint using NServiceBus 2.6 that uses Fluent Nhibernate and works just fine.

I would really like to stick with NSB V3 because I am using Raven Saga Persistence and I don't want to write Nhibernate xml files if I can help it. Does anyone know the solution to this issue?

Edit: Here is a gist to reproduce the issue. The endpoint starts just fine if you comment out the class FooMapping.

Why do you need FluentNHibernate if you are going to use the RavenSagaPersister? Do you have any inner exception?alexn
I'm also interacting with a relational database during the saga. I use fluent to build out the domain objects.Jacob Huggart
Are any of the assemblies blocked? This may mess up the scanning process.Adam Fyles
NSB shouldn't be involved unless you're referencing the nsb.nhibernate.dll?Andreas Öhlund
No assemblies are blocked. Also, nsb.nhibernate is not referenced.Jacob Huggart

1 Answers


In case anyone else has the same issue before there is a fix, the problem was that I added FluentNhibernate via NuGet. That caused NHibernate to be added also. However, FluentNHibernate was internally referencing NHibernate

The solution I used was to downgrade NHibernate to