
I am tyring to retrieve the details of all User Stories for a specific project. I am using the REST URL: https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.34/hierarchicalrequirement?project={Rally_REST_URL_for_the_project}&fetch=true

I am using JAXB to unmarshal the XML response. However, the result consists of objects of type DomainObjectType and hence I cannot cast them into HierarchicalRequirementType - in fact the data pertaining to User Stories are not retrievable.

Is there any other way of doing this? I got the XML Schema from the Rally Help pages, and I do not see any way to do it other than make N+1 requests - which I would like to avoid.

Any help will be appreciated.


2 Answers


kind of roundabout answer - we have a beta/labs Java REST toolkit you could try here: http://developer.rallydev.com/help/java-toolkit-rally-rest-api

That might be worth a try to help move some of that along.


I have contacted Rally support for a validation of their XML Schema. Will post again once they get back to me.

--A few days later--

Thanks to everyone for their efforts.

Apparently, the XML Schema is meant for SOAP and not REST, although it can be used for REST too in some cases.

I have to modify Schema for my requirement - something I am working on now.