I set my Windows 7 font size to medium (125%). When I open a form Delphi XE2 IDE, the PixelsPerInch in DFM files always set to 120 automatically. Using smaller font size in Windows (100%) makes PixelsPerInch to 96 in Delphi DFM files.
This create a problem when coding in team environment. Most team members use smaller font size (100% or 96 PPI). All DFM files store in version control repository is using 96 PPI. If I commit my DFM files that use 120 PPI to repository, all others team members will confuse about what I have changed to the DFM files. All properties related to size, width or height will be changed.
Is that possible to force Delphi IDE to save the DFM in 96 PPI when working with 120 PPI windows environment?
property of a form tofalse
. – LU RD