I am adding a Restore Previous Purchases button to my iPhone app, next to the Purchase button (Non-Consumable IAP Product). When the Restore button is pressed the app calls [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions], which seems to be working in the sense that something happens and a dialog appears, however I wanted to check that this dialog is indeed the one that is intended to appear. Because the dialog that appears when I press Restore looks exactly like the one that appears when I click Purchase ("Do you want to buy ..."). Then after I click Buy and enter my password, another dialog appears saying "You have already bought this. Press OK to download for free" or something like that.
My question: Is this the intended behavior for restoring In-App Purchases? Should not the dialog rather say something like "Do you wish to restore purchased items?"
EDIT: I have come up with a theory; is it possible that the behavior described above only happens when using test accounts against App Store? So that the App Store simply does not remember purchases for test users?