
I am adding a Restore Previous Purchases button to my iPhone app, next to the Purchase button (Non-Consumable IAP Product). When the Restore button is pressed the app calls [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions], which seems to be working in the sense that something happens and a dialog appears, however I wanted to check that this dialog is indeed the one that is intended to appear. Because the dialog that appears when I press Restore looks exactly like the one that appears when I click Purchase ("Do you want to buy ..."). Then after I click Buy and enter my password, another dialog appears saying "You have already bought this. Press OK to download for free" or something like that.

My question: Is this the intended behavior for restoring In-App Purchases? Should not the dialog rather say something like "Do you wish to restore purchased items?"

EDIT: I have come up with a theory; is it possible that the behavior described above only happens when using test accounts against App Store? So that the App Store simply does not remember purchases for test users?

I'm in the same boat you are in. It would suck if your test user account could not test this. I wanted to automatically call restoreCompletedTransactions but the user is prompted for a password which would scare then at startup. Because my app still restores the purchase like you discribe above, I asked the apple test center if I could just have a "buy/restore" button. That way the user would know that their in-app purchase could be restored if they had to re-install the app.whatchamacallit
has apple answered your question?erkanyildiz

2 Answers


That is the intended behavior for restore dialog¨¨ In-App purchases, you won't get a dialog saying "do you wish to restore...."

You can label your button as Restore


Are you sure that your restore button is actually calling [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions]?

I have no problem with test users. And @Tapman answer is not correct, as it only asks for your password and does NOT show the "Do you want to load this for free" dialog.